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Rydym yn derbyn disgyblion newydd.

Bwciwch brawf wers

Registration form
Cofrestrwch nawr ar gyfer derbyniad 2022
Which class are you interested in joining?
Are you intersted in a after school or weekend lesson?

Ar gyfer plant 6-15 oed

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Musical Theatre
Hip hop

Dysgwch mwy am ein gwersi Balle i blant, dysgwch pam ddylech dewis ni, a ffeindiwch atebion i FAQ's. 

Dysgwch mwy am ein gwersi Modern & Tap i blant, dysgwch pam ddylech dewis ni, a ffeindiwch atebion i FAQ's. 

Dysgwch mwy am ein gwersi Hip hop i blant, dysgwch pam ddylech dewis ni, a ffeindiwch atebion i FAQ's. 

Ar gyfer plant 2.5-4 mlwydd oed

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Hwyl a Sbri (2).png



Theatr Modern & Tap


Hip hop

Why choose us

Staff eithriadol
Mae ein staff yn uchel eu parch gan fyfyrwyr a rhieni. Maent yn canolbwyntio ar ddarparu'r gwersi gorau i'ch plant, ac yn meithrin perthynas ragorol â'u myfyrwyr. 

Why choose us?

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Gwersi hwyliog
Mae ein cynlluniau gwersi a gwaith wedi'u cynllunio'n ofalus i addysgu plant ar eu lefel berthnasol tra hefyd yn sicrhau eu bod yn cael llawer o hwyl! 

Qualified teachers
Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD) certified teachers. Qualified teachers with PGCE and QTS. All with enhanced DBS.

Wrth wraidd popeth a wnawn yw rhoi anghenion y plentyn unigol yn gyntaf. Rydym yn meithrin perthynas â phob un o’n myfyrwyr ac yn buddsoddi yn eu taith ddawns gyda ni.

Amgylchedd rheoledig
Cynhelir yr holl wersi mewn cyfleuster dawns pwrpasol sydd o dan reolaeth ein staff yn ystod amser gwersi. Cedwir y stiwdios i safon uchel er mwyn sicrhau'r lefel uchaf o iechyd a diogelwch. 

Dysgwch mwy am yr athrawon

Dysgwch mwy am yr athrawon

Dyswch mwy am eleri

Dyswch mwy am brif athrawes, Eleri. 

Beth yw manteision gwersi dawns?

Yn rhoi hapusrwydd a mwynhad

Yn gwella sgiliau cymdeithasol a chyfathrebu

Yn gwella rhythm ac amseru

Yn rhyddhau creadigrwydd

Yn datblygu cydsymud a chydbwysedd

Lle i wneud ffrindiau

Yn cyfrannu at ddatblygiad gwybyddol

Yn gwella cof

Yn magu hyder

Yn hyrwyddo disgyblaeth

Yn datblygu sgiliau perfformio

Gweithgaredd corfforol gwych

Timetable of classes

Children's Timetable


10-11am - Pre-school (Hwyl a Sbri)

1:30-2:30pm - Pre-school (Hwyl a Sbri)

4-5pm - Modern Theatre & Tap (Hwyl a Sbri)

4-5pm - Modern Theatre & Tap (Primary)

5-6:30pm - Modern Theatre & Tap (Grade 1)

5-6:30pm - Modern Theatre & Tap (Grade 2)


4-5pm - Commerical Hip hop (Hwyl a Sbri)

5-6pm - Commerical Hip hop (Year 2 & 3)

5-6pm - Commerical Hip hop (Year 4+) 


4-5pm - Ballet (Hwyl a Sbri)

5-6pm -Ballet (Primary)

5-6pm -Ballet (Grade 1)



9-10am - Ballet (Hwyl a Sbri)

9-10am Ballet (Primary)

10-11am - Modern Theatre & Tap (Hwyl a Sbri)

10-11:30am - Modern Theatre & Tap (Primary)

11-12pm - Ballet (Grade 1)

11:30-12:30pm - Commercial Hip hop (Year 2 & 3)

12-1:30pm - Modern Theatre & Tap (Grade 1)

12:30-1:30pm - Modern Theatre & Tap (Primary)

1:30-2:30pm - Commercial Hip hop (Hwyl a Sbri)

1:30-2:30pm - Commercial Hip hop (Year 4+)


Eleri is fantastic with the little pre schoolers & has so much patience with them! They all adore her. My little Katie really enjoys her weekly dance class & i loved Eleri's little Christmas show she put together demonstrating their moves! So cute.

Fantastic dance academy! Our 6 year old daughter attends the hip hop class and loves it. Eleri makes it really fun but also teaches some great routines!

My daughter has been attending ballet since January aged 3 and it has massively contributed to the development of her physical abilities, balance and strength. She thoroughly enjoys ballet and has just performed for the first time on stage and is thrilled! Eleri if a fab teacher, very welcoming and nurturing to the students needs. Highly recommended! Excellent value for money too.

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